English for Creative Disciplines

Online and Glasgow
Application Form

Programme overview

The Pre-Sessional English for Creative Disciplines course is a discipline-specialist language and study skills course tailored to the needs of international students who have been offered a place on an undergraduate or postgraduate programme at GSA on the condition that they improve their English up to a level required by a given GSA programme. It is an intensive and demanding course that offers a unique opportunity to study English and essential academic skills in the context of the creative disciplines (Art, Design and Architecture), their specialist learning methodologies, practices and processes. This means the course is different from conventional language courses that, for example, focus on exam preparation, grammar or vocabulary practice. The course combines content and language to create optimal conditions for contextualised language practice as well as inquiry and project-based learning to help the students develop as creative practitioners and life-long language learners. Based on the feedback from past students and GSA programme leaders, such an innovative approach is appreciated and crucial in allowing the students to transition successfully onto their prospective programmes.

How to apply

More on how to apply for all of our postgraduate programmes.

Ramona Lindsay, Painting and Printmaking, 2023.

Application Guidelines + Digital Portfolio

This guide contains important information including entry requirements, English language requirements, the application process and sample portfolios if applicable.

Postgraduate Showcase

Join us for Postgraduate Degree Show - immerse yourself in our digital showcase of graduating students' work and see final year projects from students of this programme.

Chuan Du, MLitt Fine Art Practice, 2023.

Graduate destinations

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Information to Support You In Planning Your Learning

Current Programme Specification

Reading Lists

Visit the library for the specialist reading lists for this programme. Key resources are expected to be read/viewed by all students enrolled on this course during study. You can also find wider and suggested reading on the subject, with many of the contents available to read online once students have enrolled on the programme.

Weronika Siuda, Textile Design, 2018.

International Students + VISAs

As one of the leading art schools in the UK, The Glasgow School of Art welcomes international students to all of its programmes. The School offers an environment in which difference is encouraged and diversity of background and approach is valued.

Ka Ki Wong, MDes Photography, 2017.

Exchange & Study Abroad

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This programme participates in the Associate Student Scheme

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This programme is subject to validation

We review the content of our programmes regularly, making changes where necessary to improve the student experience and our graduate prospects.  This programme is being reviewed and is subject validation. You can read more about what ‘Subject to Validation’ means here.

Kate Timney, MLitt Art Writing School of Fine Art, 2023.