Head of Urbanism
Mackintosh School of Architecture
Brian Mark Evans is Professor of Urbanism+Landscape at the Mackintosh School of Architecture, the Glasgow School of Art and director of the Glasgow Urban Laboratory. From 2019 until 2023 he was Glasgow's City Urbanist, an independent civic role acting as strategic adviser on 'place, design and the city' with a local, national and international perspective. He is an advisor to the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Geneva on the future of cities and the implementation of the New Urban Agenda. He was previously Artistic Professor of Urban Design & Planning at Chalmers University School of Architecture in Gothenburg and from 1990-2015 was a partner with Gillespies LLP, the international design practice where he developed the disciplines of landscape planning and urban design and pioneered ecological urbanism. From 2005 until 2010 he was Deputy Chair & Chair of Design Review with Architecture & Design Scotland and before that an Enabler with the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE) London. He is a founding Director and Academician of the Academy of Urbanism, London. He has led award-winning projects in some 20 countries on 3 continents leading to over 50 national and international awards for professional and design excellence from Europa Nostra, the Congress for New Urbanism (USA), The Scottish Government, The Civic Trust, The Royal Town Planning Institute and The Landscape Institute.
Dr Evans is author, editor and contributor to numerous books and articles on design, landscape planning and urbanism published in English, German, Swedish, Russian, Dutch, Spanish and French. He has presented papers to and chaired over 100 national and international conferences in Scotland, the UK, Europe, Scandinavia, Russia and China. He practices, researches, teaches and speaks widely on the contemporary and future city, urbanism, urban design and landscape planning.
Research interests
People-Smart Sustainable Cities
Interface between The Land, The People, and The City
Delivery of UN Agenda 2030
Design Systems